Front Bezel
I wasn't originally planning to make any changes to the front bezel, but when you're busy modding and having fun, even more ideas pop into your head. I decided a cool addition to the case was a pair of Predator claws...

I got some 6mm sheet aluminium - man this stuff is thick. 6mm is a quarter inch in the old measure. This should do nicely. I sketched up a claw design freehand and started to think "what the hell am i doing? These things could do some damage!" Make mods, not war, children.

I used my jigsaw to cut out the rough shape. Although this is just rough, don't be too generous with your cutting - you'll only make extra work for yourself down the line. Lots of filing and sanding of all the edges, plus the detail curves that make these claws look so damn evil.

One down, three to go. Use the first claw as a template for the others to ensure accurate reproductions. Chop, chop. File, file.
Et voila - four Predator claws. Now to spend time polishing them up to get rid of surface imperfections and scratches.

A Predator has two claws only on each hand so I took two of the ones I made and rounded them off because I'm not making weapons here.

The idea was to mount them on the front drivebay door as if a Predator were using his claws to break through. For the authenthic look, I just drilled some small starter holes through which I would physically push the two claws. That way the mesh would bend realistically. It turns out the claws were too long, so I cut them to size.

The claws are glued to the metal mesh door using Loctite 330. Trust me, it bonds very strongly. The final result is a little bit scary to be honest...
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